Simply Vampire Rave

Views: 6,247
All pages by Cartomancer
Page last updated: Dec 16 2019
Honor: 102,415    [ Give / Take ]

Members contact the upper admins about so many things- often it's as simple as just letting it go, try not to let it bug you, because it's not a rule-breaker and we can't get involved in personal conflicts between members. Being a member of an online community anywhere may require thick skin for success. Sensitive people will not receive special treatment outside Cancer's rules and expected administrator conduct. Here's a short page of tips about these kinds of things.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

So you wanna talk about The Bill of Rights, eh?

The Bill of Rights

The Rights of which are Bill's

Bill's Rights

Rights O'Bill

The Most Excellent Adventures of Bill- featuring: Rights

Bill's Zaney Comic Hour- with his sidekick: Rights

Bill, with a side of Rights

Bill sprinkled with Rights

Rights sprinkled with Bill

The World According to Bill, and his Rights

Every member of Vampire Rave is held to *these* rights, even Bill.

Terms Of Service


The VR Manual

DMCA Policy

Simple site rules and clarifications:

  • *currently disabled* Webcams- You must prove you are there- either visually, or speaking/chatting. You cannot have a graphic up blocking a feed *and* not respond to your chat. If you want to use a graphic to block your feed, you need to be chatting vocally or typing. Now, if we can 'see' you- you can ignore your chat all you want. You cannot be away from your cam more than 30 minutes. Site nudity policy applies. Sleeping on cam is still on cam, and kosher.

  • Kismets are held to the same standard as the main forum and Vamp Box. Remember, no flaming. You may risk suspension of *all* these areas if you are not in compliance.

  • You can rate whatever you want, and you can block any member (except upper admins) you want. It's up to you, and not against ToS.

  • If you are inducted into a society you don't care about- you are not obligated to be active in it. You are free to ignore them, and you do not have to place their crest on your profile to show a pride you do not have.

  • Coven and House Masters do not have to respect profile claims of being 'spoken for'. Vampire Rave is obviously vampire-themed, those themes include society forced inductions. That being said, societies must be prepared and accept that a forced induction may not be respected by an inductee either. It's okay to not like things.

  • Rates of 1s, blocks, and public online disdain are not the same as harassment and cyber bullying. It's not against the rules to not like someone. Cyber bullying- in most every circumstance here, those that claim it are no better than who they are complaining about. The day they are not pulling the exact same tactics is when their *own* words can hold a little clout.

  • Claiming your rights to free speech and Constitutional rights as an American in reference to Vampire Rave is ridiculous. Do not be fooled into believing ignorant law quotings by members as if they pertained to privately owned websites. With this privately owned online community on the world wide web, you have agreed to ToS (VampireRave.com, in its sole discretion, may terminate your password or membership, and remove and discard any content within the Service, for any reason. -ToS) This is not 'America'. Think of how absurb the idea must sound to members in other countries- does being a member of Vampire Rave automatically hold them to America's laws? They are not in America. Just as if you joined a website owned by a citizen of England does not hold you to British law. When you enter someone's home, if you do things they don't approve of, you can be kicked out. You mind your mouth or head for the door. Use this analogy for Vampire Rave. Having a Premium Membership does not excuse you.

    *Thanks to MooniePie- here's a great article she linked to in her journal that really explains it well: Free Speech in Online Communities: The Delusion of Entitlement And another one she came across:
    Can websites censor things I say online?

    We are often asked this question from potential clients who have had their Internet messages or postings removed by forums, message boards, website operators or ISP’s. Unfortunately, as noted above, the First Amendment only applies to government actors, and not to private website operators. Therefore, assuming the website is acting on its own, and not at the request or on the behalf of some state or federal government authority, no First Amendment right is violated. However, a customer’s relationship with a website is usually governed by a set of “Terms & Conditions” that are agreed to during the registration or access process. Those Terms & Conditions will usually identify the grounds for removal of communications or termination of the customer’s account. Such user terms and conditions are usually enforced by the courts.

    More found on the site: Basic Information About the First Amendment & Censorship

  • If you share an internet connection with multiple users, you will be held to multiple account rules- and all accounts must be Premium Memberships. We'd never be able to prove who is who, so you will be held to the same standard we've always held others to. Cancer has suspended profiles of people I know are all separate that live together- and they realize why, so they keep their PMs up to date now.

    Wisdom from The Prince-

    If you do not understand the underlying concepts behind forced induction you should not be a member of Vampire Rave.


    There is a right way to live and a wrong way to live. There's no sense in doing things the wrong way. You'll just prolong your time here. Do things correctly. Do not lie. Do not steal. Do not be a wretch. Live well or spend an eternity reincarnating in this earthly Hell.


    Please block members you find offensive or cannot get along with. If you feel your personal safety is at risk, please contact a local law enforcement agency.

    In closing... If you want peace, foster peace. If you want to 'tell it like it is', roll with the punches and don't complain. What you get back is most commonly a reflection of what you give. If you want that to change, craft your words and actions accordingly. If you want to be a 'tough guy', accept tough reactions.

  • All pages by Cartomancer
    Page last updated: Dec 16 2019



    18:06 Sep 24 2012

    Yeah! Like she said!

    Excellent page, Heidi.

    18:46 Sep 24 2012

    I am so Lovn this:)

    19:47 Sep 24 2012

    Very well put images! :)

    20:34 Sep 24 2012

    Nice paragraph highlights. Straight to the point and beyond the insite people question. :)
    Justice for all!

    22:50 Sep 24 2012

    Contrary to popular belief, The First Amendment does not give people rights to free speech, it only prevents the government from censoring speech. As a matter of fact, in relation to VR, the Constitution does not give people any rights whatsoever on this privately owned website - the owner has the right to restrict the conduct of members (who entered into a contract with VR when they became members) - the owner is not “censoring” members; they are simply exercising their right of private ownership, and their right to set out whichever rules they wish in their private domain.

    23:43 Sep 24 2012

    Well said indeed!

    23:46 Sep 24 2012

    There you go, Sulks... just more examples of how the laws are misinterpreted even before they are spouted to claim rights where they have no place.

    00:01 Sep 25 2012

    We are all guests here in Cancer's 'house', simple as that.

    I know I'd have much less patience with my guests if they behaved like morons in my house :P

    Anyway...another great member page!

    01:00 Sep 25 2012

    I found a lot of grammatical errors and typos, then friends are telling me about more... So beyond that- thanks :). I can always update as my fat finger products are found. I rushed through this one as I typed it all and lost it. I angrily rushed another when the first one was so much better.

    01:10 Sep 25 2012

    Good page.
    It simply amazes me the lengths to which some individuals will go to to bring bs into other people's lives,then spout "I have my rights!" when they have been nailed .

    Happens every single time.

    03:45 Sep 25 2012

    This is an awesome page - not only did you nail the points you wanted to get across, but you also added a bit of humor, which is great!

    04:27 Sep 25 2012

    Great page. Stating what most of us with any common sense already know. But there is always a bad apple in the bunch, no matter where you go. It seems that no matter how you try to explain things to people,sometimes they just don't get it. Either because they can't comprehend what you are trying to explain or they just can't see past their own point of view.

    15:24 Sep 25 2012

    what? there is a force induction thingy? (j/k)

    joke aside well explain and truth speaking giving ones and blocks are not cyberbulling, there is a difference between giving a number to a virtual online profile and sending flamming messages and threath of violence etch...

    15:26 Sep 25 2012

    So... the VR mug wasn't a sign up bonus gift? Darn. :)

    Well said, and hope some folks read and try to understand it. Rebel and being an ass is close cousin in my book.

    17:48 Sep 25 2012

    Great page!

    21:34 Sep 25 2012


    12:29 Sep 26 2012

    If you're the type of person that won't accept any answer other than the one you want to hear- I can only imagine what you're life offline is like. No matter how bad you want the answer to be 5, 2 and 2 will always be 4. You can shut down every 4 and keep asking other people, but the only ones that will give you 5 are ignorant people... and if that makes you comfortable... well...

    They don't just rail against this system- they still use it (the Honor System, their society, messaging friends, trying to find followers for their journal which only has numbers and far less actual reads. Sort the journal list by 'Most Read' for the real #).

    12:30 Sep 26 2012

    What's actually amazing it that we try to reason with people who have this kind of thing on their profile: "IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GIVE ME A 10, PLEASE, DO NOT RATE ME AT ALL." If that's the thought process we are dealing with, we shouldn't bother with it in the first place. If a person is so up in arms about needing 10s they have to throw that at us in all caps- we should expect anything else would be a soul killer as well.

    17:33 Sep 26 2012

    What blows my mind when I see the way these people carry on,is they blame EVERYONE else for the VERY garbage they pull on people.And have been since theyve been here.Take this "cyber bully" card they are attempting to pull..I have read a lot of things posted by them,even on their own website.Not only do they make it a point to harrass members and admin here,they gloat about it while they blatently slander Vampire rave.
    And they dont stop there.Even though they slam VR,they have found it ok to pretty much copy many things about this site.
    I also found it really interesting that members who have gone out of their way to argue with me here,are also on their site..

    Effin weird

    17:51 Sep 26 2012

    Fact is, you can't just sue because you're pissed off.

    Judges can't and will not award judgments according to "the principle of the thing." they can only award what you have actually lost . I will be curious to know just what the heck they believe they have lost while being reprimanded for their own BS.

    19:21 Sep 26 2012

    Wow. I've read all the journals written... and I used to talk to the person in question. I've never had a problem with Vampire Rave that blocking someone didn't solve. =] Maybe I'm lucky but I guess numbers and blocks on the website don't bother me.

    Oh and Images, we had eight different people residing in our apartment in Nashville. None of us received a suspension and they were all there for about two weeks. Of those eight people (Brett and me included), six of us were on this site and logged in at least every other day.

    Also, I had a second account. I started it up before I had the money for a premium. I messaged Cancer with the situation and he said it was okay for me to create it. I got the premium within the first week or two.

    *whimpers* And why can't I block an upper admin if they're mean to me? *pouts*

    23:47 Sep 26 2012

    Well this is a first to be here at this spot on rave, I am compelled to speak if allowed. This is an amazing website.I came here some years ago looking for myself or maybe a get away from reality, which minds you it does suck sometimes, but I found a home here most of the squabbles don't even bother me anymore I ignore them. I am truley thankful that cancer created this site, I can express my creativeness on my page share pieces of my life write about things from time to time and like most families listen to drama but it is only what you make it. I love this place and everyone who has made it what it is, this is my way of saying thank you for being my family and making my home great.


    23:56 Sep 26 2012

    And thank you for seeing things clearly :)

    00:50 Sep 28 2012

    Really, its all just common sense. If someone cannot understand the ToS, they shouldn't of signed up. And if they lack that much common sense, they really shouldn't be on the internet, but out interacting in public to maybe try to gain some.

    AND....I tell you what, someone acts a fool up in my house they better brace for an impact because I'm going to literally throw them out. AND if they act like that.. I'm going to throw them out.. bring them back in.. then throw them out again just for the principle of the whole thing.

    08:39 Sep 28 2012

    I absolutely love True Blood quotes - they fit everything on VR, lol. Something Moonie just said reminded me of Bill, telling Hoyt "Get out before I throw you out, through a window that is closed."

    Hahahaha. ♥

    05:09 Sep 29 2012

    I'm glad someone finally posted this.

    And as for the 'give me a 10 or don't bother rating'...she almost got a 1 for being so vain. Like I say on my profiles...not only do I not care about a number I don't expect a 10 from everyone. It's a number. Only a number...and being a 150 or higher what the hell are you worried about anyway? No rate is gonna drop you below Sire! Geesh....

    11:17 Sep 29 2012

    This should be included in the VR Bible =)

    04:30 Sep 30 2012

    Actually, Cancer's ToS and Manual already state all this, really. It's too bad we basically keep breaking it down in other ways- because he is really quite clear. That's how I was able to make this page... Just by reading what he's already laid out for everyone. That, and having common sense about the law that some people apparently can't or refuse to really learn.

    12:51 Sep 30 2012

    We have seen you put all this in so many different ways in order to help someone understand.
    That and that fact that you have given them chance after chance,even after catching them in their acts of chating this ststem speaks volumes about how you have gone out of your way to accomodate them.
    The bottom line is,they breeched their contracts.Contracts they agreed to.
    So ,no matter how much they twist things in attempt to distract from what they pulled in the first place,it is what it is.

    In a court of law,when you sign a contract and then break it,you dont have a leg to stand on.

    17:58 Sep 30 2012

    This is a general page for everyone- the current members being talked about aren't the first or last. There is no 'case' against breaking rules you've 'signed on the dotted line' to adhere to. You can't legally agree to something, then later say it doesn't matter. If they want to continue to sound ignorant- it only hurts them.

    21:47 Oct 02 2012

    This is true.

    Contract law is pretty cut and dried.

    And again,true,in that this page doesnt speak about just one member,but you know how it is,when a member is on everyone's mind and a page like this comes along...

    13:55 Oct 03 2012

    It is a very informative page,and one that every new member should read.

    12:29 Oct 04 2012

    Same like going to another country. I cant come to the US and tell I dont respect your laws. It is all simple logic.

    I wrote a journal entry a while ago, about us representing the site. So the amount of people who complain against it, are part of it too, so they are including themselves in the rants.

    22:11 Oct 04 2012

    In my opinion there isn't much of a difference between being a self professed revolutionary and a moron who thinks that things bend and twist to his/her will. Vanity is more detrimental than many realize, but ignorance is far worse. But, like I stated as Naraku- I'm glad someone posted something like this.

    02:22 Oct 10 2012

    Nice article.

    05:22 Oct 16 2012

    I enjoyed how you served up this page, honest, clear cut truth with a slight twist of humor. It's a drink easy to swallow for all willing to use reason and common sense. Therein lies another problem, screaming that you're being abused online while doing the abusing to others isn't self-defense it's just being as big a troublemaker as you can while trying to appear a victim.

    14:54 Dec 23 2019

    Ahhhh, I do really missed the "old" time in Vampire Rave. When every Friday, we all used to meet at the chat area, and was a blast. If you are in VR, must be because you like vampires, and for that reason, now you have become an outsider for the rest of your people around you. So, here is your new community. be gentle and friendly and for sure, VR will last for eternity. Cool page.

    22:26 Dec 26 2019

    simply put, this is a generation of expectation.

    never my fault.

    always someone else.


    what's worse...

    'they' expect tolerance

    without providing any.

    02:53 Jan 18 2020

    Very well said... and these are things that should be understood clearly upon joining

    22:11 Feb 13 2020

    22:11 Feb 13 2020


    02:12 Jan 06 2021


    15:54 May 31 2023

    very nice

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